Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emergency Prayer Request

I deactivated facebook, so this blog is now my best means of reaching the cyber-world.

So, howdy, cyber-world.

I need you to pray.

I’ve mentioned before how intensely grateful I am for my household, Regina Angelorum, and for my household brothers. They are the Knights of the Holy Queen, thus named for their intense devotion and the consecration of their lives to Jesus through Mary. They are some of the most incredible men I have ever known, and I do not have words to express the ways that God has used them in my life.

That means I’m pretty darn attached to them…

and THAT means if anything happens to them, it’s a really big deal.

On Monday, something happened.

My brother, Austin Smith, was in an accident in Datona, FL. He hit a wave the wrong way and, long story short, he can’t move. He’s in a hospital in Florida with his family, and doctors are working around the clock to try to get him fixed up.

Now, I don’t know Austin as well as I know most of the Knights. In fact, I’m not sure he even really knows who I am. It doesn’t really matter though. He’s my brother. End of story. That’s just how household works.

Anyways. So, Austin is a Frannie Grad (as of May this year), which of course means that there are literally thousands of people around the world praying, fasting, and otherwise interceding for him like nobody’s business. (That’s such a strange expression…) I would like to give you the opportunity to participate. You can go to his Caring Bridge site HERE and read the full story of what happened. You can also receive the most recent updates as his family lets us know what’s going on, AND you can comment in the guestbook and let my brother know you’re interceding for him and/or offer some encouragement. PLEASE PRAY. I also ask that you fast and/or offer up some kind of little (or big) sacrifice for him throughout the day. Our Father honors sacrifice! (Remember that whole Cross thing?)

Saint Philomena, whose intercession has brought about so many miracles, pray for Austin!

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