It seems that all the cool kids are starting blogs nowadays. I'm not usually big on following the crowd, but I figure a place to document adventures (and of course, my thrilling day to day life) isn't such a bad idea.
About the Title:
At the end of my freshman year at Franciscan, I officially intented to a household on campus. Households are sort of like sororities and fraternities, except they definitely don't fit the stereotype. Each household has specific charisms (characteristics) that makes it distinct from the others, and a covenant that all of the members sign. Signing a covenant is promising that you will strive to form a deeper relationship with Christ and helping your household brothers or sisters to do the same. It's pretty darn nifty. Intenting is the first step in becoming a sister or brother in a household, and I intented to Regina Angelorum. That's Latin for Queen of the Angels. Over the course of last semester, I (and the other girls who had intented) went through formation, praying together and with the sisters. Finally, we were inducted, making us official household sisters. Because we're in Regina Angelorum, people usually call us the Angels.
I'm spending next semester studying abroad in Austria.
Everyone probably knows that, but if you didn't.... surprise! I'm going to be chilling in Europe with almost 200 other Frannies from January to May. (:
That's it. I'm an Angel, and I'm going to be abroad.
Ohhh man.
Awesome! The semester should be pretty awesome, and I'll be keeping an eye on it. Hail Holy Queen!