After getting warm and nourished in Subway, we hiked our way up to the Prague Castle. By “hike” I actually mean “lots and and lots and lots of steps”. Once we got up there though, the view was fabulous.
Castle Dealio:
Inside the Castle was St. Vitus Cathedral. It was gorgeous, but a total tourist trap. It was pretty, but made me sad. I think that was kind of the theme of Prague, unfortunately.
Good news though! When we came outside, there was a rainbow. (:
Also, on the way back down, we stopped at a little hole-in-the-wall bakery (literally) and got something warm to drink. Mis amigos got these cinnamon/sugar bread things called Trdelniks. They smelled lovely, and whatever caffeinated beverage I drank made me happy. We continued on our journey.
It was right about here in our trip that we began to turn all the weird/awkward things about Prague into jokes. For example, Prague seemed to be really into nudity. Not in a classy artistic way, but in an unfortunately trashy way. I (with my usual tactful bluntness) pointed out how it was driving me crazy, to which Storm responded “Why is everything naked?!??! It’s a question that just needs to be asked, like ‘Why is all the rum gone???’” Also, there was this ridiculous sign everywhere. It makes absolutely zero sense.
Eventually we wound up at the Lennon Wall. It’s a giant wall that is known for it’s graffiti. It started with Lennon lyrics and now is just a place for people to express their artistic (or not so artistic) selves. I made my mark on behalf of FUS and Regina Angelorum. (:
We decided to go back to Our Lady Victorious to attend the Mass (in Spanish) that they were celebrating that night. We had some time to kill, so we stopped in a park. On the way there, I ran into a pole. No lie. I right into it. Good job Marriana. Very nice. Storm was kind enough to take note of the moment for me:
The funniest thing that happened at the park was the slide. Storm dubbed it the “Sterility Slide” because of its dangerous nature. Good times…
After Mass we found a little restaurant to eat dinner in. Somehow, it ended up being the unofficial Franciscan University students place to be. We filled the place up, without even planning on it.
We spent a good deal of time counting change and such for the bill, used the super-ghetto (European ghetto) bathrooms (For guys, this often means a hole in the ground. Ladies usually get a little bit of a better deal, but not by much.) and we headed out into the night to catch our bus. Prague is pretty by night, however sketchy it may be.
This last picture pretty much sums up my Prague experience. See, we were walking through the streets of this beautiful city, trying to take in the night-scene as we rushed towards the pick-up point, and all of a sudden I heard Lady Gaga. No me gusta. I think that’s the best way to understand Prague. It is a beautiful place and I’m sure it had a wonderful culture at one point. However, it made the mistake of picking up the worst parts of the other cultures (especially ours) in this world. I was bummed that I spent the money to go, but after spending all these hours (yes, it’s taken hours) going through the memories, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy most of my time there. A huge thanks goes out to Emily, Mary, and Storm. Thanks for making Sketch-ville a good time.
It’s 2:45am. I must be nuts.
The End.
Wow. I'm ran into a pole! haha and you finished the post!