This is the first time I’ve blogged about a day on that day. I’m proud of myself.
I got up and went to the Church. I’m starting to get back into a good prayer schedule, and, as always, I’m seriously regretting ever falling out of it. When we get lazy, we aren’t happy. End of story.
After morning prayers I grabbed some breakfast and headed to the Audi-min for the morning praise and worship. It was lovely, and when it ended my friend Mary Rose, who was leading, asked me if I wanted to take over leadership for the rest of the semester. I’ve been feeling called to step out musically lately, so I said yes.
Then we had Christian Spirituality. My notes are filled with things like “Oh. My. Goodness.” and “Flippin Pancakes this is incredible…”
Some quotes from class:
“First, we must understand that the spiritual life of a Christian believer is a work of God. It is something that God is doing. The activity of God always comes first. The spiritual life is a kind of fruit of God's initiative. As a work of God, the spiritual life shares attributes of God because all of God's work reflect Him. As such, the spiritual life will be a thing of power and majesty, beauty, wisdom, mystery, and above all, love. The spiritual life is God loving the believer and the believer returning that love. As in all Christian theology, the culmination is the Person of Jesus Christ Himself.”
“We also want to make the point that the spiritual life represents and corresponds to the basic human condition. How we exist is intimately bound to the fact that God has created us. What we do is a matter of responding to what God has done. To be human is to be loved by God and to be able to love Him in return. This is the basic definition of what gives us human dignity. We have been loved into existence by God and have the ability to love in return.”
“Do not be frightened by the many things that you need to consider in order to begin the journey to heaven, a great treasure is gained by traveling this road. No wonder we have to pay what seems to us to be a high price. But in time you will come to understand how little everything is next to the reward you are given.” - St. Theresa of Avila
This is going to be a life-changing class.
After class I chilled in the apartment with Mary for a bit, then we headed to Mass. It was lovely. Afterwards I played with some of the kids from here and we had a massive snowball fight. I took one to the face, with my eyes and mouth open. It even got in my nose. These kids are intense. I had so much fun. Everyone thought I was upset though, because I had tears pouring from my face. Then it was bad food for lunch, attempts at homework, a long nap, and really bad food for dinner. We just got done planning our trip to Vienna. Well, everyone else did a lot more planning than I did.
Oh! And it’s FREEZING. It started getting cold a few days ago, and then it started snowing. It has continued snowing. My coat and boots have held up well. Really well. I’m warm and my ankles are doing ok. It’s a good time. It is gorgeous. I’ll take pictures from around campus soon. We’re going to Vienna tomorrow, so expect lots of awesome pictures and details. It’ll be great. (: